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Discover Cagliari


Discover Cagliari



Hello there!
Are you ready to discover Cagliari?
With this playlist you will be able to walk around the city and discover the beauty of it while taking fun pictures, completing little challenges or talking with the locals. The more you go out of your comfort zone, the more you’ll discover the amazing secrets that the city has to offer.

Some rules and suggestions:
  • If you're in a multicultural group, try to only speak English, as much as possible, even if you’re accompanied by an Italian teammate. We encourage you to take turns in talking with the locals, too. But if you're in Cagliari as a volunteer or anyway trying to learn Italian, do try to speak as much Italian as possible, instead!
  • People will usually be open to tourists and foreigners, but not many know English well. If you find a local who can’t speak English too well, try looking for another one: younger people will usually be more comfortable with the language, and anyone who works with tourists a lot will be able to communicate. But if you're learning Italian, this is a great opportunity to practice the language!
  • Some landmarks may require you to pay a ticket to enter. You’re not required to get inside unless you wish to, pictures from outside will be more than enough!
  • Being able to orient oneself and read a map is a crucial part of these activities. A little guidance from any local members of the team or friends is acceptable, but try to find your own way. Sometimes getting a little lost leads to the best experiences!
  • You’ll need constant internet access, in order to complete this playlist. Sometimes you’ll be asked to use some digital online tools, and Google Maps will be your friend throughout the tour. If you don’t have internet access through your phone’s mobile data, turn on your wi-fi and look for “Free Wi-Fi Ca” network. Much of the city centre is covered by this open wi-fi network that allows you to navigate for 3 consecutive hours for free by just accepting their terms and conditions.

So what are you waiting for?
Choose an activity to start with, and complete at least 2 tasks for each of the five activities to earn your final badge!

Activities to complete

Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
Discover Cagliari - Gastronomy
Unknown duration
View full activity


Amphitheatres, archives, auditoriums, libraries, cinemas, galleries, museums, picture galleries, theatres, observatories, planetariums, archaeological parks... if you’re looking for a little bit of culture in Cagliari, you're spoiled for choice! Are you ready to discover some of them?
Ajò! (i.e. “Let’s go!” in Sardinian)

Roaming around the historical district of Castello, with its tall fortifications and characteristic watchtowers (the Elephant Tower and St. Pancrace), you’ll find an abundance of museums and cultural landmarks.
Did you know that the ancient University Library features a whole room dating back to the 18th Century that’s kept intact with all its ancient fixtures? And if dusty old books are not your thing but you feel like learning a bit more about the local history, the Citadel of Museums is the place for you!
Of course, if you’re interested in something a little more modern, why not take a look at our MEM library, or have a little fun spotting architect Renzo Piano’s building in the city?
EXMA and the old Ghetto could be what you’re looking for if you’re interested in exhibitions, cultural events and festivals, and of course, you’ll have to take a look at the Roman Amphitheater, carved right into one of the seven hills in town.

For this activity, you can start from Piazza Yenne and choose your direction based on your interests: you can have a look around the historical neighbourhood of Stampace if you’re more into modern buildings and Art Nouveau, you could go up to Castello and Buoncammino if you like archaeology and ancient history, or you can have a look around Villanova and down towards Bonaria if you’d rather find some modern museums, or even the old monumental cemetery.
If you're tackling this activity right after activity 4 in the playlist, you'll already be right above the Amphitheater and you can stroll down from there. A map showing some interesting landmarks is available in the resources section and in the map below.
We recommend the use of Google Maps for finding your way.

Hint: if you don’t have internet access through your phone’s mobile data, turn on your wi-fi and look for “Free Wi-Fi Ca” network. Much of the city centre is covered by this open wi-fi network that allows you to navigate for 3 consecutive hours for free by just accepting their terms and conditions.

You’ll have to complete at least 2 of the 4 listed tasks in order to claim your badge.


  • Itinerary of cultural landmarks (Google Maps)

Get activity badge

Discover Cagliari - Cultural stops Get this badge

The holder of this badge has explored the cultural side of Cagliari, visiting some of its museums, monuments and other cultural landmarks, and learned about the local history and culture both ancient and modern.

The earner has:
  • visited the historical centre and its surroundings, learning about their history;
  • explored the local museums, landmarks, monuments and learned about art, culture, archaeology and the history of Sardinia;
  • developed their social skills by talking to the local population to discover information;
  • practiced how to read a map and find their way in an unknown location;
  • used digital tools (e.g. Google Maps) and developed their digital competence;
  • practiced their English speaking and learned some words in Italian and/or Sardinian.

At least 2 out of 4 tasks must be completed in order to claim this badge.
You have to finish 2 tasks to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Take a selfie with the Statue of Carlo Felice, or better yet, ask somebody else to take a picture of you with the statue while you imitate its characteristic pose.

Fun fact: when the local soccer team wins any big match, the fans like to dress the statue with the team’s official shirt and decorate it with its colours, red and blue.
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
If you like learning about ancient history, we’ve got the challenge for you!
Visit a museum, library or other place of culture and try to find out which is the oldest piece in its collection.
If you’re visiting a modern or contemporary museum, look for the most recent instead!
Write the answer down as evidence or upload a picture as evidence.

Attention please! Many museums don’t allow you to take photos inside, ask for permission first.
Task no.3
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Find a public building (e.g. the City Hall or the State Archive) and take a picture of its flags: do you know what they all represent? Can you spot the Sardinian flag and do you know what its name is (in Italian)?
Try and write down your answer and upload it as evidence along with the picture.
Task no.4
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Sardinian is an ancient and beautiful language, enriched by an enormous number of local dialects. Can you learn any saying in the local language?
Ask a local to teach you their favourite proverb or saying in their dialect, then take a short video of you saying it together and upload it as evidence.

Attention please! Be mindful and ask for permission first, don’t film anyone who doesn’t wish to be filmed.


Piazza Yenne, 09124 Cagliari CA, Italy


#work in teams
#interact verbally in English
#guidance, navigation and control
#read maps
#support cultural diversity
#use digital instruments
#work in teams
#interact verbally in English
#guidance, navigation and control
#read maps
#use digital instruments
#conduct research on fauna
#conduct research on flora
#work in teams
#interact verbally in English
#guidance, navigation and control
#read maps
#art history
#use digital instruments
#work in teams
#interact verbally in English
#read maps
#guidance, navigation and control
#use digital instruments
#local geography
#work in teams
#read maps
#interact verbally in English
#use digital instruments
#guidance, navigation and control
#art history
Activities: 5
Started: 29
Completed playlist: 2


Cagliari Metropolitan City of Learning
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union