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Sustainable Europe: What Can I Do?

Vilnius, Vilnius City Municipality, Lithuania
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Sustainable Europe: What Can I Do?

Vilnius, Vilnius City Municipality, Lithuania


In this event, you'll delve into the significance of sustainability and understand how your everyday choices affect the environment. Discover practical habits you can integrate into your lifestyle to reduce waste, conserve energy, and promote a greener future. From sustainable shopping practices to eco-friendly transportation options, you'll gain valuable insights into creating a more sustainable lifestyle. Through interactive sessions and engaging discussions, you'll learn how to calculate your carbon footprint and explore effective strategies for minimizing it.

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Sustainable Europe: What Can I Do? Obțineți această insignă

Informații despre insignăValidări
In this event, you'll delve into the significance of sustainability and understand how your everyday choices affect the environment. Discover practical habits you can integrate into your lifestyle to reduce waste, conserve energy, and promote a greener future. From sustainable shopping practices to eco-friendly transportation options, you'll gain valuable insights into creating a more sustainable lifestyle. Through interactive sessions and engaging discussions, you'll learn how to calculate your carbon footprint and explore effective strategies for minimizing it.
You have to finish 4 tasks to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: auto-aprobare
Complete the test and add a screenshot of your results:
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: auto-aprobare
Watch an Youtube video on greenwashing and write down three companies which use greenwashing as their strategy.

Task no.3
Evidence verified by: auto-aprobare
Fast fashion is one of the biggest contributes of global warming. Make a list of at least 3 ways to reduce personal consumption of fast fashion goods.

Task no.4
Evidence verified by: 3 membrii activității
Discuss in a group and find out small steps which you could implement in your daily life to reduce the environmental impact. Write down at least 4 things that you are going to do to maintain more sustainable lifestyle.
Task no.5
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Read more about EU green deal and the actions that European Commission is implementing. Write down at least five of them.


Vilnius, Vilnius City Municipality, Lithuania


#Critical thinking
#advocate sustainability
#10 Sustainable Green Europe
Adăugat la lista de redare (0)
Time to complete: 30minute


Vilnius City of Learning
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