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Multilingual competence


Multilingual competence



Multilingual competence is the ability to use different languages for communication and to understand and
express thoughts, feelings and facts orally or in writing. One would need to know the grammar and vocabulary of a
certain language. The ability to learn a language in various ways is also important. Appreciation of cultural diversity
and curiosity for intercultural communication are attitudes connected to this competence.

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Multilingual competence Behaal deze badge

The volunteer has reflected on what has learned related to this competence until now
Taak nr.1
Bewijs bevestigd door: zelf goed te keuren
  • How did you communicate before and after the project with the people from other countries
(e-mail, Skype, telephone)? What did you learn from that?
  • What aspects (ways of communication, expressing yourself, new words and phrases, traditions etc)
of a foreign language did you learn? Which situations in the project helped you in that?
  • Do you feel more confident now when you want to express yourself in a foreign language? In what ways?
Internationaal en intercultureel
Toegevoegd aan playlist (1)


Cazalla Intercultural

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I am Volunteer, P-action Volunteer!
Cazalla Intercultural
Gemaakt op Lorca City of Learning
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Mede gefinancierd door het Erasmus+ programma van de Europese Unie