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Experience Volunteering in Sardinia with Assonur!

Learning Explorer

I am able to review learning opportunities and choose learning directions. I know where to get support for learning new things throughout my volunteering.
I had to accomplish at least 1 out of 2 tasks to earn this badge, and evidence was reviewed and confirmed by my mentor.
The badge is part of the Achievements Programme for the European Solidarity Corps.
Task no.1
Emisă de organizator sau prin scanarea codului QR
  1. Review all the badges available now. Identify at least one competence area, in which you would like to focus the most now. Ask for guidance from the mentor, if you need to.
Write down briefly why you chose this area and what you can do to start learning more within your chosen competence area.
The task is completed after the mentor confirms your evidence.
Task no.2
Emisă de organizator sau prin scanarea codului QR
  1. Think of anything you wish to learn in the upcoming weeks at your volunteering place. What would it be?
Define clear steps and how you will learn it.
Write down briefly all the steps here.
The task is completed after the mentor confirms your evidence.


Experience Volunteering in Sardinia with Assonur!
Badgecraft găzduiește această platformă și o dezvoltă împreună cu organizații educaționale de top. Programul Uniunii Europene Erasmus+ a acordat cofinanțare pentru construirea primei versiuni a acestei platforme. Contactați
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Cofinanțat de programul Erasmus+ al Uniunii Europene
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