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European Youth Goals. How can I contribute?

Greenwashing. What Can I Do?

Informashon di badgeAprobashon
Decoding Greenwashing: Dive into an interactive digital activity to uncover the truth behind green marketing claims.
You have to finish 1 task to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: outo-aprobá
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Task no.2
Evidence verified by: un organisadó di aktividat
Delve more deeply into the topic. Look at different sources and find two companies that use greenwashing as their strategy and two other companies which are actually sustainable. Write them down.
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European Youth Goals. How can I contribute?
Greenwashing. What Can I Do?
Badgecraft ta fasilitá e plataforma akí i ta desaroy'é huntu ku organishonnan líder den edukashon. E programa Erasmus+ di Union Europeo a ko-finansiá kreashon di e promé vershon di e plataforma akí. Tuma kontakto ku
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Ko-finansiá pa e programa di Erasmus+ di Union Europeo